
we are

Since 2013, IDEO​.org has partnered with leading global organizations to design solutions that leverage human-centered design to promote reproductive health choices for girls. While we’ve made progress in delivering information, improving access, and even shifting social norms, we wanted to create opportunities to let girls truly define the agendas and lead the programming. In 2019, we launched the Billion Girls CoLab to fundamentally shift the power to girls.

We believe a girl-led approach makes this work successful

Through the Billion Girls Model, girls...

Are experts, knowledge holders, and co-designers, and are in community with each other.

Shape the design challenges and outcomes of the design.

Hold decision-making power throughout and are the final decision-makers.

We had a total of 4 fellowship cohorts and had 15 amazing young women (19 - 24 YRS) who are pushing us to fundamentally reimagine how we do EVERYTHING

Meet the team that runs the program

Christabel Netondo

Fellowship Coordinator, Billion Girls CoLab


Larrissa Bachia

Senior Program Lead,


Are you interested in integrating girl-led programming into your work?